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Rider Comes Up Short On Urban Downhill Air


Over the weekend, riders traveled to Guanajuato, Mexico to race the second stop on the Red Bull Cerro Abejo urban downhill.

The features on the course made for entertaining racing but they did come with some risk. Watch Pablo Mabarak come up disastrously short on one of the jumps below.

In this video, Pablo bailed on a gap jump in the race course. His body made it over but unfortunately, his bike did not. His bike appeared to yank his shoe off which can subsequently be seen bouncing up in the air.

In POVs of these urban downhills the backsides of jumps always look terrifying were a rider to hit one. Unfortunately, Pablo lived out one of every viewer’s nightmare scenarios. Thankfully he was okay after the crash.

The Red Bull Cerro Abajo is a series of urban downhills in Latin America. The Guanajuato race was won by Juanfer Valez. Urban Downhill specialist Tomas Slavik got third.

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