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Rider's Freak Crash Leads To Broken Rib

"Sometimes you win sometimes you break a rib"

When a friend breaks out the camera, there is a chance they will catch you doing something cool. There is also a chance they will capture an embarrassing moment.

Watch Logan Benshoff wash out and crash into the edge of a wooden lip below.

In this video, Logan was riding a jump line when he washed his back wheel and crashed headlong into the next jump. Unfortunately, he broke a rib in the fall.

This video is a good reminder that anything can happen to anyone. Logan appears to be a skilled rider, but a small bobble can get anyone. It is just super embarrassing when it is in front of the camera.

Thankfully Logan, like many other riders on the internet, has a good sense of humor and will post his own crash videos. Crash videos, especially silly ones, are some of the best videos on the internet.

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