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"I Didn't Really Have Much Else" – Pro Explains Why He Chose Biking As A Career

Emil Johansson is a dedicated pro

It is no secret that the mental side of sports is one of if not the most important parts of competition. This is especially true for landing the big technical tricks in slopestyle competition.

Slopestyle pro Emil Johansson appeared on Red Bull’s Mind Set Win Podcast to talk about the importance of the mental side of riding. Watch below.

In this video, Emil opens up to Cédric Dumont about his strategies around fear and his all-in attitude. What Emil does not mention in this clip is that while he was a teenager with no other plan than riding, he was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease that prevented him from riding for two years. 

Thankfully, he was able to claw back and become the rider he is today. Learn more about this in Red Bull's film about Emil below.

When asked about how he deals with fear, Emil says that he analyzes where it comes from and thinks through it before trying to conquer it. For most of us, the analysis would end with one look at the size of the jumps on a slopestyle course, but Emil has put so much work in that he can draw his confidence from vast experiences riding slopestyle.

It is no surprise that someone as successful as Emil Johansson is as laser-focused as he is. To rise to the top of a sport requires immense dedication and perseverance.

Listen to his full interview on Mind Set Win below.

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