Young Rider Is Ready For Her First Crankworx Slopestyle Competition
One of the most exciting up-and-coming riders is Patricia Drüwen. Drüwen is a German freerider who has impressed the world with her style.
Now, she is about to compete in her first ever crankworx Slopestyle in Rotorua, New Zealand. See her mashup from riding in Queenstown before heading up below.
In this video, Druwen threw all kinds of tricks at various Dirt Jumps. She tossed combination bar spins and some spectacular backflip tuck no-handers.
Crankworx Rotorua will be the first time women have been invited to compete in a major slopestyle event. Druwen will certainly be a favorite. Read about that below.
Patricia Drüwen is a 17-year-old German rider. She is known for her tricks on the dirt jumper. Watch Druwen impress at another slopestyle event below.
The Maxxis Slopestyle at Crankworx Rotorua will be aired live on March 23rd, 2024 at 7:00 PM EST. Stay tuned for more coverage of the event.
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